Monday, June 30, 2014

Current Students 2014

S3 girl Nan Hua High
S1 boy Nan Hua High
S2 boy Yuan Ching Secondary
S2 boy Hua Yi Secondary
P6 boy Keming Primary
P6 boy River Valley Primary
P6 boy SJI junior
P5 girl RGS 
P5 boy Catholic High 
P5 girl Compassvale Primary
P4 boy Keming Primary
P4 boy SJI junior
P4 boy Henry Park Primary (GEP course)
P3 boy River Valley Primary 
P2 boy Keming Primary

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Term 4 SA2/PSLE Results 2014

Congratulation to Jessica!  She was awarded the Edusave Award 2014 for 2 consecutive years. Bravo! Continue to learn and strive for better grades. 

P6 boy River Valley Primary
Congrats to this P6 boy of mine for passing his PSLE Maths finally. Prior to my coaching, he merely achieved below 20 marks for his SA1. It was a huge concern for his parents. He personally requested his mom to contact me to come back again to teach him. (I taught him from P2-P4 previously) I came back and helped him to improve his Maths result for his Prelim. He achieved 40s marks. Almost 30 marks improvement! He then went on to pass his PSLE Maths. A lot of patience, motivation and encouragement required in the process of coaching him but i was glad i was there for him and able to help him. Many would have long given up hope in coaching him. Appreciation and thankful to his parents too for their understanding, support, confidence and trust in me in dealing with the boy's characters and my ability to help him.

P4 boy Henry Park Primary (GEP)
English 74 Maths 93 Science 80 Higher Chinese 73

P4 boy Keming Primary
Maths 87 English 80 Science 79

P4 boy SJI Junior
Congrats to this P4 boy of mine who has finally passed his Maths with 64 marks. After years of failing, he has made it. To many, 64 marks is nothing to shout about but to a child who has never done well in Maths since P2, it is a breakthrough. It will not only boost up his confidence but also elevate his interest in the subject. Maths 64 English 71 Science 72. Well done!

P3 boy River Valley Primary
English 82 Science 71
I must admit it has not been an easy task to coach this boy despite the fact that he is smart. He is hyper and overly engrossed to games and TV which have a negative impact on his attention span and focus in his studies. It requires a lot of "talking", "correcting", motivating, patience and flexibility in handling him. I am glad that all the hard work has paid off and his results are the best gift to me. I am truly proud of his achievements. Always thankful to his mom and grandma who have been very supportive, appreciative and importantly, trust in my experience and expertise, which all contributed to my fruitful coaching in the child.

P2 boy Keming Primary
Maths 87 English 84

P5 girl Compassvale Primary
Maths 78 English 68 Science 70 Chinese 60

P5 girl RGS
Maths 74 Science 76 English 70

P5 boy Catholic High
Maths 80 Science 75

P6 boy Keming Primary
English 70 Science 75
Congrats to this P6 boy of mine who has passed his PSLE and promoted to Secondary One of his choice. Achieved an aggregate score of 212. Well done!

P6 boy SJI Junior
English 70 Maths 80 Science 80
Congrats to this P6 boy of mine who has passed his PSLE with an aggregate score of 246 and promoted to Secondary One of his choice. Well done!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Term 2 SA1 Results 2014

P3 boy River Valley Primary
English 72 Science 76
He merely passed both subjects (50s) for his CA1 before coaching him. He managed to improve both subjects and achieved 6th position in class despite his ADHD. Congrats!

S1 boy Hua Yi Secondary
Maths A1 Science A2

S3 girl Nan Hua High
Physic B3 Biology B3 Chemistry B3 E.Maths B3 A.Maths B3

S1 boy Nan Hua High
Maths A1 Physic A1 Biology A1 Higher Chinese A1 English A1 History A1
Congrats to Kai for achieving 7th position in class!

P4 boy Henry Park Primary (GEP)
Maths 100 Science 74 Higher Chinese 75 English 65

P6 boy SJI Junior
English 80 Maths 79 Science 83

P5 girl RGS
English 75 Maths 80 Science 81

P5 boy Catholic High
English 73 Maths 75 Science 80

P5 girl Compassvale Primary
Maths 83 Science 72 Chinese 65

P6 boy Keming Primary
Science 84 English 70 Maths 70

P4 boy SJI Junior
Science 71

P4 boy Keming Primary
English 82 Chinese 80 Science 75

P2 boy Keming Primary
Maths 90 Chinese 82 English 78